Braking on wet asphalt, performing U-turns and slaloms between markers. These are some of the tests that Emilia 4 had to pass in order to qualify – all part of the car’s dynamic performance inspection. After the early satisfying moments and first green stamps earned during the Scrutineering phase, the Solar Wave car designers had to roll up their sleeves and fix a few elements to which the American Solar Challenge strict inspectors had objected. Over all, the Italian solar car, designed and built by the University of Bologna with the support of Scm Group and the Cms Advanced Materials department, proved to be a great performer and of high technological level.
“Yesterday's tests,” says Denise Dujmic, an Scm representative who is part of the team, “were carried out a number of times, as it was necessary to test the car under full load condition as well as with a single driver. But in the end, after introducing the required modifications and thanks to the skilfulness of out driver, we succeeded in getting the green stamp for the car dynamic aspects.” During that time, other team members had not just loitered idly. “We also worked on the support vehicles,” adds Stefano Maglio, another fundamental figure in the Solar Wave team. “Though they were judged to be qualified, they still need to pass a few inspections, which however would not preclude them from participation.”
At this point, having earned a beautiful collection of 9 green stamps and one blue stamp, Emilia 4 is fully qualified to take part in the Formula Sun Grand Prix (FSGP ), a qualifier race for the American Solar Challenge. “This event will keep us engaged here for three days,” explains Denise. “It is an actual race during which we will have to run the highest number of laps around the Hastings Circuit, which has become our base camp for several days now.”
Our adventure has just begun. Starting tomorrow we must travel as many miles as possible around the circuit. An important challenge for the Emilia 4, its drivers and the entire support team.