CMS has been able to transfer its forty-year experience in the production of machining centers to its modern bridge milling machines, upgrading their properties to achieve unprecedented versatility. Brembana Impact,Brembana Formax, and Brembana Sprint are Numerically Controlled bridge milling machines mainly used for cutting slabs and blocks of marble, granite, and stone in general. The ability to cut elements in custom shapes and sizes makes these machines a must-have for modern workshops that are active in the construction and interior design industry.
For those who are not equipped with a real machining center, the above mentioned processes require time-consuming and lengthy manual work sessions. Today, CMS bridge milling machines are able to overcome all well-known criticalities.
The workmanship quality is guaranteed by the robustness and precision of these CMS machining centers.
Brembana Impact, Brembana Formax, Brembana Sprint: with these machines, any marble cutter's workshop will be a cut above competitors!