CMS Metal Technology offers the most exclusive and innovative solutions for machining those materials used in the aerospace industry. The CMS Metal Technology machinery guarantees machining precision and accuracy typical of the demands made by a highly technological industry. CMS' experience and know-how in this industry make it the ideal partner for the most innovative companies: by understanding the customer's process, we never fail to offer the best technological solution, guaranteeing maximum reliability and top quality performance as well as patented technologies.
Limitless technology with its strong technological content, to ensure the best machining serving an ever more demanding industry.
Découvrez les solutions de CMS pour le secteur Aérospatiale
Nacelles pour moteurs
Rognage et perçage de matériaux spéciaux pour composants véhicules spatiaux
Rognage des pièces de train d'atterrissage
Parties structurelles matériaux composites UAV (avions sans pilote)
Rognage et perçage de matériaux spéciaux pour composants véhicules spatiaux

- Matériaux Composites
Parties structurelles matériaux composites UAV (avions sans pilote)

- Matériaux Composites