CMS Stone Technology combines more than 50 years of experience in the production of numerical control machining centres with a highly technological product range and one focused on the future. It develops highly customised solutions designed by listening to the needs of its customers and through a close examination of their production processes.

The CMS Stone Technology machinery is a mark of excellence in terms of productivity, performance and long-term reliability.

Découvrez les solutions de CMS pour le secteur Applications spéciales

Supports pour Turbine Eolienne Rouleaux Céramiques Creuset pour Panneaux Solaires Accessoires de Métrologie Lampes design

Supports pour Turbine Eolienne

  • Fibre de Verre

Rouleaux Céramiques

  • Réfractaires

Creuset pour Panneaux Solaires

  • Réfractaires

Accessoires de Métrologie

  • Granite

Lampes design

  • Pierre Naturelle, Céramique, Pierre reconstituée