tecnocut smartline

(512) 931-1962
Systèmes de decoupe au jet d’eau - Machine de découpe au jet d’eau - tecnocut smartline

3- and 5-axis waterjet cutting system

Tecnocut Smartline is designed to redefine industry standards of excellence by improving operational efficiency while maintaining CMS's renowned reputation for unparalleled build and work quality. Ideal for cutting plastics and composites, aluminum, light alloys, and metals, it includes all the safety and performance features typical of CMS waterjet machines, packed into a new innovative and compact design. These features ensure excellent finish levels with a high degree of accuracy at high production rates.

  • Highly configurable work areas (single zone or tandem cycle)
  • Very high productivity with the ability to mount up to 5 cutting heads.
  • X-Y-Z axes are moved by pinion on hardened, ground racks.
  • Heat-welded bellows protect the X-axis racks and runners against dust, water and cutting water. The Y axis is protected by a sheet metal labyrinth structure.
  • The metalwork structure undergoes an anti-rust treatment by sandblasting and ceramic coating to ensure long-lasting protection against corrosion.
  • Tank compatible with a dredging system for spent abrasive removal.
  • Built-in control software allows the operator to optimize material cutting parameters while minimizing scrap. Cutting setup times on complex geometries are greatly reduced without compromising finish quality and accuracy.


Maximum loading ergonomics, compact monolithic open frame structure simplifies workpiece loading and unloading.


The high-pressure waterjet can easily cut thick parts, holes, and complex geometries and reduces scrap by nesting on flat sheets, aided by multi-head configurations with manual and automatic spacing.


Waterjet technology offers a unique tool that does not require complex tooling for workpiece clamping. In addition, the 5-axis version can perform 3D cuts with high precision and repeatability.


Waterjet cutting is a clean process that does not generate dust and volatile residues. The collection tank is compatible with the Evo4 dredging system for removal of spent abrasive, which reduces maintenance costs by 90%.

Données techniques
MODELE 2030 2040 2060
AXE X 3000 mm  4000 mm  6000 mm
AXE Y 2000 mm 2000 mm  2000 mm 
AXE Z 250 mm
(150 mm avec une tête 5-axes)
250 mm
(150 mm avec une tête 5-axes)
250 mm
(150 mm avec une tête 5-axes)
AXE C Infini Infini Infini
AXE B ± 60° ± 60° ± 60°
TABLE DE SUPPORT 3330 x 2080 mm 4150 x 2080 mm 6610 x 2080 mm
4560 x 6140 mm  4560 x 7190 mm  4560 x 10050 mm 
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