antares mk3

(512) 931-1962
铣削和钻孔5轴数控加工中心 - 用于立式铣削的CNC整体加工中心机 - antares mk3




MORE COMPACT: Esigned to ensure maximum performance in small production areas. The machine can be transported fully assembled, resulting in lower delivery and installation times.


QUIETER: Roof bellows or full cabinet to contain dust, liquid and noise generated during fabrication.


CHIP REMOVAL: system that ensures complete extraction of chip from the machine.

ANTARES MK3: 操作单元和电主轴                                 
  PX5/HX5 - 12_24 PX5/HX5 - 15_24 PX5/HX5 - 20_24 (同步)
B、C轴程                                    B=+\- 120°, C=+\- 270°
快速B轴和C轴                                        9000°/分钟
额定功率(S1) 12 kW 15 kW 20 kW
最大功率 14 kW 17 kW 22,3 kW
最大转速 24.000 rpm 24.000 rpm 24.000 rpm
最大扭矩 11,1 Nm 13,8 Nm 20,1 Nm
更换刀具                                  手动和自动
连接 HSK 63 F HSK 63 F HSK 63 A
冷却                                        液态



                ANTARES MK3: 工作台面
型号 尺寸X (毫米)
ANTARES MK3 26/17 2500x1700 型
ANTARES MK3 26/28 2500x2800 型
ANTARES MK3 TR (1900x1100) x 2

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